Hello. I've vaguely thought about blogging again sometimes when I have thoughts, and, I have thoughts currently. Most of my thoughts lately revolve around stuff related to abortion, as I have gotten more and more involved in anti-abortion ministry in the last year and a half-ish. So here you go!
Last night I was reading Isaiah 52:13-15 and all of chapter 53, which is the passage where it talks about Jesus' suffering for us. And it occurred to me: a lot of that could be said of the many, many children whose lives are snuffed out by abortion before they are even born!
It starts with 52:14 - "His appearance was marred, beyond human semblance." That makes me think of those gory, bloody pictures of aborted babies, and specifically of the time my parents came out to do pro-life activism with us and my mom didn't even recognize the picture on the brochure as the face of a baby.
And then 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected." Who is more despised and rejected in our society today than unwanted, preborn children?
Then 53:5 - "He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities." As Jesus, an innocent man, was literally pierced for us and crushed, so innocent (though not like Jesus) children are literally pierced and crushed, for men and women everyday - for convenience, for career, for comfort, for "peace of mind" if the baby had a health problem or something.
53:5 continuing - "With His wounds we are healed." People think they can fix/heal their problems by killing their child, but that is not the solution. Jesus is the solution, and He has already suffered. So why are millions of babies suffering still for the sins of their parents (sexual immorality, mostly), and being the victims of further sin (abortion)?
Lastly, I'll mention 53:7 - "He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; like a lamb that is lead to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth." ...Wow. Jesus, in submission to His Father, opened not His mouth. Unwanted, preborn children, by no choice of their own, are denied even the opportunity to use their voice. Their voice is ripped from them along with their life.
Unlike these victims of abortion, we have a voice which we are able to use, and Jesus calls us to use it.