Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Five Options... Which Will You Choose?

That title is suppose to look all ominous and stuff.  Me thinks it does not.  But on to the post!

Sad face.  Maggie didn't make any cards last week.  Or this week.  At all.

What?  No cards at all for a week and a half or more???  Shame on me, I know.  But guess what!  You, yes you, my dear reader, get to help me make one soon!  (Woot woot!)

This card has been sitting on my desk, half finished, for possibly weeks.  I haven't quite decided how to finish it.  But I was playing around with it the other day, thinking of different options I might go with, and then I had this super idea to let y'all choose what to do!  This will be so fun!

Okay, so maybe it won't be the highlight of your day or whatever, but please admit you'll get some enjoyment from it.  Please? Yay!

In an upcoming post, I'll show you a brief tutorial on how I made the card up to this point, and then I'll show you the finished card, so keep your eyes open!

And, here are your choices!  Vote away (over there on the right)!  The poll will be open until September 23, at midnight.  Hopefully that's plenty of time!

Note: Since I don't yet know which style I'm going to make, I didn't know what length the string would have to be cut to.  That means that when photographing each card idea, the string was still attached to the spools, and I didn't try to tie the knots and bows as well as I would for the actual card.  So if you see strings going off the card in an unnatural way, just know that it shouldn't look like that when I make the card later.  Also, I may tweak or change things a bit after y'all have picked which card style I'll use, but it will stay basically the same.

Again I say, get voting!
Option #1
Option #2
Option #3
Option #4
Option #5


  1. I say #4. But they are ALL so pretty!!

    1. Well thank you! Did you actually do the vote thing on the side? You should, if you haven't already! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I say #4. But they are ALL so pretty!!

  3. It won't let me vote, but I choose #5. You're welcome.

    1. It won't let you? That's weird. I tried it and it worked. And now I can't unvote, heh. Whoops.

  4. I really like three. Five was also great, but I really like three. :D

  5. Thanks! Yeah, I like those two a lot also.

  6. They'sa all so perty!! But I would have to say that #4 is my favorite.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Kathryn! I take a liking to it myself!


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